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The Checklist Every Trade Show Exhibitor Needs

Trade shows are a prime opportunity for companies to connect with prospects. Once you and your marketing team determine which events offer the biggest bang for the buck, it’s time to get down to details.

Most event marketers use some type of tactical checklist to help them plan their event. And this is important, because there are a lot of moving parts to successfully exhibiting at a trade show. The typical checklist covers all the essential information needed to plan your event: venue information, event contacts, budget, deadlines, engagement activities, collateral materials, etc.

However, with so much competition vying for the attention of trade show attendees, the typical checklist just won’t do.

Today’s event marketer also needs a strategic checklist with three priorities for their trade show: custom environment design, superb exhibit construction and measurable results. Checking these items off the list will ensure your event demonstrates success through meaningful metrics tied to program objectives.

Exhibit Design Matters

Exhibit design should be at the top of your checklist. You’ll need a custom environment that draws the interest of attendees from all areas of the event space. Custom environment design provides you with a unique, multidimensional exhibit that amplifies your brand throughout the trade show.

Work with a custom design house that collaborates with you on the physical and emotional elements of your exhibit. Physical components include the structure, furniture, lighting and layout of the exhibit that make the space functional and inviting for prospects. The emotional elements include the use of bold colors, as well as primary and secondary messaging that make attendees take notice of your brand.

Build Your Trade Show Exhibit with the Highest Quality Materials

The next item on your trade show checklist is solid construction of your exhibit to your exact specifications. A well-crafted exhibit provides attendees with a memorable marketing experience.

In addition to creative designers, a qualified custom design house will also have skilled craftsmen on their team. These expertly trained individuals will build your exhibit structure using quality materials in a cost-effective manner. This ensures that your custom environment is made of a durable structure that can withstand transport, but also considers shipping and drayage fees. In addition, it guarantees that it will be easy enough to set up, break down and store.

Demonstrate the Impact of Your Custom Trade Show Exhibit with Meaningful Metrics

A well-designed custom exhibit connects your company with new prospects with the potential to become loyal customers and brand advocates. Once attendees have learned about your services or interacted with your products within the custom environment, they are primed for relationship building with your company’s representatives.

At this stage, your work as an event marketer is practically complete. However, you can make your trade show more impactful by demonstrating a return on investment to your company’s executive leadership.

Partnering with an exhibit design house that incorporates data collection into your custom environment enables you to report on the metrics that matter to your company. Arming yourself with information on what worked and what could be enhanced is a powerful way to maximize corporate resources.

Finding a custom design house that can help you achieve each of these priorities on your checklist isn’t as hard as you think. Contact Exhibitus at 800.770-4392 for a consultation today.