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3 Ways Focusing on Engagement Boosts Trade Show ROI

Trade Show ROI Promotional Products | ExhibitusEngagement on the trade show floor is what creates connections with current and potential customers. It starts with an eye-catching, interactive exhibit design and is supported by your company’s representatives who are skilled at interacting with attendees to gain the most from their time in your custom trade show exhibit.

The days of simple pop up banners, brochures and a fishbowl for collecting business cards are over. Budgets and attendee expectations have shifted. If your plan is to simply show up and hope people come to your booth, you most likely will fall short of the expected trade show ROI.

Here are three ways planning for productive interactions with attendees can help boost the ROI of your trade show event.

1. Maximize the Value of Promotional Items

Everyone loves free stuff. All promotional items should connect back to your company’s messaging, image and brand persona. This is what keeps your name top-of-mind, even after the trade show  is over.

At the very least, giveaway items should bear your company’s logo and website URL to enhance brand exposure and provide a way to connect. USB chargers, tote bags and smartphone wallets offer value to attendees. This makes them less likely to end up in the trash at the end of the day.

For companies with products that could be “sampled,” such as scrumptious food or candy, or beauty products like fragrant soaps or creams, make sure the brand is visible on your samples’ packaging.  If prospects can try products first hand, they’ll be more likely to engage in consultations and sales pitches.

2. Generate Leads with Contests

Contests are another great way to beckon attendees to your exhibit. Ensure that the prizes align to your exhibit theme, business offerings and target audience to help weed out unqualified leads.

Contests are also a great way to generate leads. Collect contact information from entrants, and follow up with prospects quickly after the trade show. Referencing the game or contest is a great way to break the ice on calls or follow-up emails. Take your contest to the next level by providing free service trials or product samples to winners, making sure your brand and offerings are memorable.

3. Sell with Stories

Storytelling does more than just entertain attendees. It educates and creates a shared experience that promotes message retention.

Your interactive display will create opportunities for attendees to gain a deeper understanding of your brand. When they know how your products or services solve their specific pain points, your story will resonate with their needs.

In order to really drive engagement, be sure that your exhibit is staffed with knowledgeable representatives. If a portion of your storytelling truly resonates with attendees, they’ll be able  to answer questions and collect follow-up information.

Measure What Matters

The trade show floor is your opportunity to facilitate connections between targeted attendees and your company’s brand. Through effective engagement, you can turn attendee visits into quantifiable results beyond a simple list of possible leads.  By increasing trade show ROI, you not  only demonstrate the benefit of the program to your company, but also raise the visibility of your contribution to your company’s success.

Exhibitus is a custom design house that also has a dedicated Results Division. Our exhibit designs are supported by a powerful ROI measurement strategy. To learn more about how we measure what matters, contact us today at 800.770.4392.