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Refresh Your Trade Show Exhibit with These Killer Ideas

Exhibitors who have attended the same trade show using the same booth for a number of years may find that attendees assume they know what the booth offers and simply walk right on by. Also, in today’s fast moving world, booth designs that were trending a few years ago are now considered ordinary and tend to blend in with other such exhibits on the trade show floor.

Given that one of the primary objectives for attendees of face-to-face marketing events is to discover what is new and exciting in the marketplace, even if this year’s budget does not include a new custom trade show exhibit, it is important for exhibitors to refresh a custom trade show exhibit frequently.

Here are some tips for how companies can refresh their look and enhance their brand presence even in a sea of competition.

Update the Graphics

As graphic displays begin to age and colors start to fade, use this opportunity to explore a more modern look. Also, consider whether there has been style-creep, with the original graphic style having been compromised when information was changed or added.  Ensuring that graphics are updated to one style and the color palette follows current brand guidelines can give a more cohesive presentation.

Consider Renting Items

As certain items in a custom booth starts to look dated, it is easy to rent a few trendy pieces that can quickly give the space a more modern, refreshed feel.  Having a new reception counter or adding updated, comfortable seating might be just the thing to make guests want to stop by.

Pay Attention to Details

An often simple improvement to a trade show booth design is lighting. Changing or adding lighting can brighten up the environment and highlight areas that are often overlooked. Also, adding a portable banner or a new video presentation that grabs attendees’ attention as they first walk into the booth can be an easy addition to many exhibits.

Look at the Floor

Changing out the carpeting or a laminate floor has the potential to transform a booth dramatically.  Instead of using plain, traditional flooring, get creative with your floor choices. There are a variety of colors, styles and patterns that attract attention. Bright colored carpeting, unique wood or laminate patterns, and inlaid flooring designs will help your booth stand out.

By using an inset of a contrasting color and finish, you can create a visual path through the exhibit. And don’t forget to explore how to add more cushion to the floor you put down. Both attendees who have been walking all day and your booth staff who are standing for many hours will thank you.

Analyze the Layout

Sometimes the displays or other areas used in an exhibit are fine, but the way they are arranged is not. The layout may seem cluttered or the most important products are not easily accessible.

You want attendees to be able to enter and exit the booth easily, and you do not want crowds to gather in only a small section of the booth. Analyze the flow of your booth to make sure visitors can explore without being cramped. Changing the layout, even if it means removing items, can refresh the overall space.

Consider the Experience

Creating a new, unique engagement on the trade show floor will not only provide a great pre-show outreach opportunity, but it also can transform the booth environment based on the interaction with attendees.

Seeing something new or different in the booth, especially one that is designed to gain attention from the aisle, can move people from passing by to stopping to talk to your staffers out of sheer interest.  A well thought out experience can create a buzz on the show floor, attracting more visitors in the long run.

Seek Professional Assistance

Keeping a trade show booth fresh and inviting can be challenging. For expert help, turn to Exhibitus. We offer professional booth design services and more for exhibitors of all sizes. Contact us today to learn more.