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How to Prevent a Trade Show Crisis

How to Prevent a Trade Show Crisis | Exhibitus

Unfortunately, trade shows are not immune to a potential crisis occurring. Things like severe weather, accidents, protests and attacks are all situations that are out of any vendor or attendee’s control. While it is nearly impossible to stop these crises from happening, you can limit the effect they have on your business’ trade show ROI.

The best way to avoid a trade show crisis is crafting a detailed plan, coupled with effective communication. Consider the unfortunate events that could take place, have a team prepared to respond and monitor social channels so you’re not caught by surprise. Here’s a quick guide for preparing for such an event.

Potential Crises

The first step in preparation is identifying any potential threats to a show. These dilemmas can range from injuries to power outages to terror attacks. Exhibit and event-focused publications often have stories of unexpected occurrences that wreaked havoc at past events. No matter the possible disruption, you need to sit down with your team and create a list of any situations that could occur.

After you have created the list, go through each potential crisis, and clearly establish a response that includes a plan of action. Thoroughly communicate the plan with your employees, and confirm that you’re all on the same page and that everyone is committed to their respective role should an incident occur.

Crisis Communication

Designate a few members of your team to be on the crisis communication team. In addition to their normal duties, these people will be responsible for communicating with each other and all team members in the event of a crisis.

Make sure the communication team understands all of the details that will need to be communicated based on the type of crisis at hand and that they are prepared to communicate through numerous modes of communication. Some great options include phone calls, text or other communications applications like Slack. Make sure a list of cell phone numbers for the entire team is distributed to all. Also, have non-phone communication devices, like walkie-talkies, available in the event of cell service failure.

Monitor Your Event on Social Networks

Many trade shows are in massive exhibit halls or stadiums, and it can be difficult to stay aware of what is occurring in and around the venue. The trade show could be progressing as you would expect in one wing of the building, while vendors on another side of the facility are in the dark due to a power outage.

Luckily, any crisis is likely to hit social media channels in real-time as it happens. Designate a member of your team to monitor posts about the event on channels like Twitter and Facebook. Being aware of any incidents will help your team stay safe and allow you to get ahead of potential PR issues.

As with any aspect of life, bad things can happen. Don’t be caught off guard by a trade show emergency. Use careful planning and communication to be prepared for anything. Exhibitus is a custom exhibit  design company that wants you and your colleagues to be safe, and your company to be successful at every event you attend. From custom displays to a specific trade show ROI division, we’ve got you covered! Contact us today to get started or learn more!