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Elevate Your Brand’s Visibility:  Why Double-Deck Exhibits Stand Out

In the competitive world of experiential marketing events, standing out from the crowd is essential for brands looking to elevate brand awareness and make a lasting impact. Double-deck exhibits on a trade show floor go beyond the traditional exhibit space, quite literally elevating to create a larger brand presence for all to see.

By incorporating an upper level, double decks capture attention, enhance brand’s visibility, and provide ample space for immersive experiences. From their commanding height to strategic design and exclusive spaces, these exhibits provide a unique opportunity to ensure your brand leaves a memorable impression on event attendees.

Double-Deck Booth 101

A double-deck exhibit, also known as a two-story booth, is a type of exhibit structure commonly seen in larger trade shows, conventions, and similar events. Unlike a standard exhibit that typically occupies a single level, a double-deck booth utilizes vertical space to provide additional engagement areas and create a more visually impactful presence.

The upper level of a double-deck booth is accessed by stairs, ramps, or even elevators, depending on the design and regulations of the venue. This upper level can serve various purposes, including meeting rooms, hospitality areas, product demonstrations, private spaces to conduct business, or simply an elevated viewing platform to showcase products or services from a different perspective.

Double-deck exhibits are relatively common in large-scale exhibitions, particularly in industries where exhibitors have significant budgets and a need for more space to showcase their products or services. While their prevalence can vary depending on the specific event, venue, and industry, they are often seen in sectors such as technology, automotive, construction, and retail.

Designing a Double-Deck Exhibit

Designing a double-deck structure requires careful planning and consideration to ensure both a functional and an engaging exhibit space. Here are some key aspects to consider for a creative booth design:

Objectives and Branding

Determine the primary objectives for attending an experiential marketing event , whether it’s showcasing products, generating leads, networking, or launching new offerings. Once you determine these objectives, you can develop a design that aligns with your brand identity, ensuring consistency in colors, logos, graphics, and overall messaging.

Space Planning

Assess the available floor space and any height restrictions imposed by the event or venue. Consider the dimensions and layout of the booth to maximize visibility, improve traffic flow, and create distinct areas for different activities, such as product displays, meeting spaces, demonstrations, and hospitality areas.

Functionality and Flow

Plan the flow of visitors through the booth, ensuring that it is intuitive and allows for easy navigation. Designate clear pathways and strategically position key elements to attract attention and guide visitors to specific areas or activities. Consider incorporating interactive elements, technology, and engaging experiences to enhance visitor engagement. Determine when it would be appropriate to escort attendees to the top tier and why. Ensure that a visit to the second level does not distract from the engagement and flow on the first tier.

Structural Considerations

Work with an experiential designer who can create a structurally sound and safe double-deck booth. Ensure compliance with local regulations, venue requirements, and any necessary permits. Consider factors such as weight-bearing capacity, fire safety measures, and accessibility to comply with applicable guidelines.

Upper-Level Purpose

Determine the purpose of the upper level, whether it will serve as meeting rooms, private spaces, hospitality areas, product displays, or a combination of these. Allocate space efficiently and ensure that the upper level seamlessly integrates with the overall booth design and functionality.  Be sure to remain compliant with the American Disabilities Act (ADA) rules and regulations or other governing bodies related to the show location, where the activities on the upper level can also be replicated on the main level.

Graphics and Branding

Create visually appealing and impactful graphics that convey your brand message and attract attention from a distance using the height of the second level. Utilize large-format graphics, banners, signage, and digital displays effectively. Consider the use of eye-catching visuals, compelling messaging, and clear branding elements to leave a lasting impression on visitors.

Engagement and Interaction

Plan interactive elements or activities to engage visitors and encourage participation. This can include product demonstrations, hands-on experiences, contests, virtual reality experiences, or live presentations. Create opportunities for meaningful interactions with booth staff to foster connections and generate leads.

Maximizing Impact with a Double-Deck Exhibits

Double-deck exhibits are effective in creating a larger presence for brands at trade shows and events. This type of structure immediately captures the audience’s attention in a unique and exciting way. Exhibitus is your dedicated partner in crafting distinctive experiential marketing environments, guiding you from inception to fruition. Through seamless collaboration, we transform your individual vision into a captivating trade show experience that leaves a lasting imprint. Our Exhibitus team, recognized for its excellence, offers a wealth of expertise in designing trade show exhibits and experiential events across diverse industries. Contact us now to take your experiential marketing program to the next level.