Just ask Steve Harvey! At this year’s Miss Universe contest, he misread his cue card and announced the winner incorrectly. The next few minutes, as the crown was taken from Miss Columbia’s head and placed on Miss Philippines’, were certainly embarrassing for Harvey and surely heartbreaking for Miss Columbia.
What went wrong? We can’t say for certain, but the design of the cue card didn’t help. Eric Thomas suggests certain design changes in a post on LinkedIn, “How Bad Design Wrecked Steve Harvey’s “Universe.”
At a marketing event, such as a trade show or corporate conference, the potential for such a faux pas becomes exponential considering all of the components that must converge.
At Exhibitus, we know that Design Matters and are committed to “Smart Design” to help clients avoid embarrassing and often costly program mistakes.
We have combined Design Principles and Design Thinking with our many years of industry experience to ensure that each event reaches established goals. Smart Design is not just the structure of a trade show booth design. It is a total program approach that influences every aspect of an event marketing experience.
For Smart Design to truly work, collaboration is key. Designs, whether for a structure, a graphic, a piece of collateral or any of the many other components of a marketing program, can’t be produced simply reading a list of criteria.
Working side-by-side with our clients through the design process for the various components produces a dynamic environment – one that encompasses intent, creativity, communication and purpose that attracts interest and engagement from the target audience.
Again, collaboration is key to avoiding bad design disasters. We bet Steve Harvey would have liked to have influenced the team that designed his cue card, and we know Miss Columbia wishes that he had!