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Questions… Are You Undeterred? – II

In December, Exhibitus began a three-part webinar series entitled, Pivot & Thrive. The first webinar focused on RESILIENCE, and what that means to individuals, the exhibit industry and to the many trade show booth design companies.

The next edition of the series after RESILIENCE is about being UNDETERRED, finding ways to advocate, connect, demonstrate and convert customers in order to drive business forward.

Below, our speakers responded to a guest’s question about the timing of the return of major shows.

Brad Falberg, Exhibitus President: I feel it will be events with shorter lead-times to prepare. For example, IMTS, the machine tool show, has a long-lead time due to the types of products on display. Exhibitors may have to plan to ship equipment internationally at least six months in advance. These shows have to make a decision on whether to cancel or delay much sooner.

Also, given what we are seeing in international and cross-border travel, shows that depend on a global audience are likely to come back later. The US may be showing signs of recovery by the third quarter of 2021 thanks to a loosening of travel bans domestically, but we could still be blocking international travelers from coming here, or we might require long quarantine periods if they do come.

Amanda Helgemoe, EDPA Vice President: If you are defining major shows as top 200 largest shows, then I would say second half of 2022.

Chris Griffin, EDPA Vice President: It’s really just a guessing game at this time, but here are three main things to look for:

  1. Multiple vaccines must be widely distributed.
  2. A majority of people are taking the vaccine.
  3. A reasonable period of time must pass to make sure of the vaccines’ effectiveness.

Other signs that would indicate shows coming back:

  1. Venues adopt GBAC Goldstar Certification.
  2. State and local governments support businesses and events re-opening.
  3. Vaccines and testing procedure improve in venue states.