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Moving Forward

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the novel coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic.  For most, we thought we were looking at a two-three week interruption to “normal” life. That was bad enough, given the positive economic environment we all were enjoying.  Now months later, there are still many questions, even as the economy is starting to open up in places.

But be assured, the chaos and uncertainty have not stopped the Exhibitus Team. After the initial shock, we did what we always do: we put our thinking caps on and left no stone unturned looking  for ways to help our customers,  and industry,  move forward. We know that innovation is the key to a successful  re-emergence.

Typically, our blog content shares expertise about promoting brands and creating great experiences for our customers and their customers in face-to-face environments – all designed to achieve marketing and corporate objectives.   We look forward to continuing to bring you thought leadership and experiential expertise as trade shows return.

For now, we are taking a different approach.  We are diving into five topics we believe have relevance to the current times.  We are here to support our customers, our supply partners and especially each other during this crisis, and we invite you to join us as we consider ways to move forward. Comments are always appreciated.

1) Prepare to Thrive
What strengths and skills will help develop your career and allow you to take advantage of opportunities in the “next normal?”
2) Keep Your Customers Close
What marketing programs can I use to replace the value we gain from being on the trade show floor?
3) No Longer on the Back Burner
Are there projects around your facilities that have would impress your customers, but everyone has been too busy to think about them? A new lobby, a more functional briefing center, product demo station…?
4) Recycled, and Improved
Could you leverage your investment in trade show properties and engagements within your facility for briefings or training sessions?
5) We Will Return
Sometimes we don’t know what we have until it’s gone. Research shows that  corporate execs are gaining  a new appreciation for the value of face-to-face marketing now that they are living without it. Is it time to start digging in and planning for the return? What will that look like?


Ready To Craft Your Brand Experience? Get In Touch Below: