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brand interiors

every brand has a story

Create A Brand Experience Customer loyalty starts with a story that positions a brand in the minds of a target audience. Bringing the story to life through an experience that ties emotions to brand value is essential to winning hearts and ensuring a productive relationship. At Exhibitus, we design spaces that bring the brand experience front-and-center.

Through unique design, innovate engagements and superb craftsmanship, we empower a brand wherever clients engage prospects and customers. The power of our fabrication expertise has been proven in corporate lobbies, regional offices, executive briefing centers, corporate training facilities, and various other permanent installation.

Design, Render…Reality Our desire to create unique, eye-catching environments that highlight a brand story is unparalleled. Exhibitus’ master carpenters take design to the next level to balance beauty and precision with efficient delivery to maximize your bottom line. With more than 25 years of skilled craftsmanship under our belt, the picture on the page becomes a beautiful reality.

Beyond "Just" Walls

Corporate spaces have walls a-plenty, just waiting to enhance a brand’s appeal. Informational videos, graphics that promote product capabilities, a company’s timeline of success – all can be designed to immediately amplify the spirit of a company to engage a guest upon arrival.

But why stop there? Non-structural elements of a design, such as kiosks showcasing products, a viewing case for company awards, or divider walls that define unique areas while keeping the overall space visually open, spark interest while enhancing visual appeal. With Exhibitus’ production capabilities, there is no limit to creating eye-catching, “never seen before” elements that inspire.

Your Vision, Our Execution

Flexibility Means Opportunity

With a creative design that considers multi-functional desires, you have options. For example:
• A training center by day. A venue for hospitality by evening.
• A corporate reception desk can easily convert to a hospitality center, as customers and guests enjoy face-to-face interactions.
• Large format fabric graphics that enhance the brand story in an executive conference room can be easily changed as the company’s marketing evolves.

Leverage Your Trade Show Investment Creating a trade show experience is a major investment in time, dollars and brain power. Extend the life of featured elements no longer required in your exhibit that still represent the brand story of your marketing efforts. Integrating these elements in a corporate interior maintains consistency between your face-to-face events and internal activities, and makes wise use of dollars already spent.