

Cartiva, Inc., a medical device company, focuses on the treatment of osteoarthritis of the extremities, developed and manufactured The Cartiva Synthetic Cartilage Implant (Cartiva SCI).

Cartiva SCI is a man-made implant made of a soft plastic-like substance and salt water to replace the damaged cartilage surface of the big toe. As part of the development process, the company has collected a significant amount of data in three categories:
Substantial Reduction in Pain
Substantial Functional Improvement
Improved Range of Motion

The company previewed SCI at the 2018 American College of Foot & Ankle Surgery (ACFAS).

Exhibitus built an interactive exhibit design experience demonstrating this data with movement of light. Each data set had a circle that when pressed, activated a light that encircled the circle. The light then traveled through etched acrylic to each data point, resulting in a growing data line.

At a busy medical conference, where static displays of product details reign, making the data intriguing grabs the attention of targeted attendees, creating an entry into successful engagement opportunities.

Award-Winning Exhibit:
Hermes Creative Award 2018 - Gold for Engagement Experience in a Trade Show Exhibit

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